This sale is on Friday, May 12 and is by pre-order only, with pickup at the Saint Vincent Gristmill General Store between 1 and 4 p.m.
Occasionally we have to make changes in the process and products of the bake sales. We hope many of you picked up a postcard listing future bake sales at our Easter bake sale. The promotional material for the Mother’s Day and Graduation bake sale noted that orders would close on Monday, May 1. However, due to unforseen circumstances, that is now the date that online pre-orders will OPEN. The pre-order sales quantities are based on what our small operation can produce in the limited time available, so they frequently sell out during the first or second day. So please mark your calendars to order online on May 1 or it may be too late!
 Based on previous sales please order quickly as the sales have been selling out. Thank you for your support.
The link to the order form is here.